
You can access the collection of the “German Music Archive of Berlin” via the online catalogue of which covers all scores/sheet music and sound carriers that have been available on the market since ca. 1970 and have beenlisted in the online cataloguesince 1976, where you can also search for special recordings of Schumann’s works, or,by entering “Schumann, Robert”, for all recordings available.

Products no longer available in the normal specialised trade, that is, that have been exhausted or taken off the market, can occasionally still be found in specialised antiquarian bookshops (inter alia, ) or via internet service providers (inter alia, or ).

An independent database is provided by the “Collection of Historic Sound Carriers”:

Cf, also

A lecture by Thomas Synofzik on 25.01.2006 at 18.00 hrs in Zwickau was specially dedicated to early recordings of Schumann music under the title: Schellack-Schätzchenund Klavierrollen [Little Shellac Treasures and Piano Rolls]. This was about the earliest recordings of Robert Schumann’s works with reference to rarities at the Robert Schumann House in Zwickau. An abbreviated version of the lecture can found in our “Treasure Trove”.

(I.B., translated by Thomas Henninger)


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